The method of worshiping Navagrahas and its benefits…!
|The method of worshiping Navagrahas and its benefits…! A frequent doubt for many devotees visiting temples is how to worship Navagraha’s. Because while worshiping Navagraha’s, one should circumambulate the seven planets namely Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn from left to right. Similarly, many people think that Rahu and Ketu should be orbited from right to left. And there are many people who doubt whether it is right to go around like this. He gives detailed answers to the doubts such as whether we should really circumambulate the Navagraha’s in this way… what should be done to make the Navagraha worship system better… what are the benefits of circumambulation in this way?
According to each person’s Purva Punnyam, the planetary position is placed in their horoscope. It is not possible that all Navagraha’s in the horoscope are favorable for everyone. Thus we leave for the temple to get rid of Navagraha doshas. When you go there and worship and return, you get peace of mind. But there are still various confusions and doubts among the devotees about going to the temple and worshiping the Navagraha’s.
The seven planets, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, orbit from left to right. So these seven planets should rotate right and Rahu and Ketu rotate from right to left. Hence the reason for this is that the next two rounds should be performed in space. This is a misconception. Therefore, the concept of space, creep does not need to be kept in mind. It is enough to go around nine times including the Navagraha’s. Similarly, after worshiping all the deities, it is proper to circumambulate the Navagraha’s. It is also a myth that no planet should be worshiped by touching it with the hand.
Planet worship and its benefits…
If you worship the sun, you will get auspiciousness and health in life.
Worshiping the moon will bring you fame.
Worshiping Mars (Angaran) increases courage.
If you worship Buddha, you will get prosperity; Knowledge increases.
By worshiping Guru Bhagavan (Jupiter) you will get wealth and blessings of sons.
If you worship Venus, you will get a good wife, you will get yoga for buying a house and land.
If Lord Shani is worshipped, longevity will be strengthened.
Worshiping Rahu will bring benefits from travel.
Worshiping Ketu increases wisdom; Attainment of Moksha; Spiritual engagement will increase.
Worshiping the god of the respective planet according to the day will give additional benefits.